Exhibition / ZAŽI ZIČI

Zaži Ziči, Old Town Centre of Culture and Education, Zichy Palace, Ventúrska 9

Zichy’s palace hides a unique author’s interior from the turn of the eighties and nineties of the 20th century. Its authors are architect Rastislav Janák and architects Oľga Janáková and Anna Tomašáková.
ZAŽI ZIČI is a small festival that we conceived as both a tribute and a reaction to him. The postmodern and at the same time high-tech interior of the Palace of Civil Ceremonies of the Bratislava Old Town Local Authority dates from 1989 and is relatively well preserved. However, it also has various extraneous deposits, brought in by daily operation and the decisions of its administrators over time. The festival showed as much as possible of what the palace looked like originally. At the same time, we approached selected artists to respond to the space. Among the exhibiting artists were Ján Gašparovič, Andrea Ďurianová, Lucia Žitnayová, Mira Kubáňová, Erik Vrábel and Štefan Sekáč.
As part of the accompanying program, there was a guided tour and discussion with the co-author of the interior Oľga Janáková, a discussion with the author of the sculptural fountain in the courtyard Juraj Gavula and architect Martin Zaiček, or a discussion with Sabína Jankovičová, who presented the project Resculpture.sk, which maps the author’s interiors of ceremonial halls in Slovakia.

Lucia Žitnayová, source: archive of MAG D A.

Štefan Sekáč, source: archive of MAG D A.

Mira Kubáňová, source: archive of MAG D A.

Andrea Ďurianová, source: archive of MAG D A.

Project curator: Ľubica Hustá, collaboration: Gabriela Smetanová, Ján Hrčka
23 / 10 / 2022
by Ľubica Hustá
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