A small scale encourages the Slovak architecture. Well, it mostly encourages the ability to keep the project consistent from the idea to its final implementation. Such is the construction of the Attila weekend home in Vojka nad Dunajom by the architectural studio JRKVC. It has 47 square metres.
photo: Peter Jurkovič
The assignment was to create a smaller weekend home for young
clients that have a liking in yurts and nomadic architecture. Along with
that, the cottage had to meet some specific living standards that seem
to be complicated in the open space of a yurt. That’s why they simply
changed their approach. The architects on their website claim that
instead of adding volumes, they decided to take them away. The
volume of a pragmatic cuboid forms the basis. Into its centre was
placed (taken away) a bigger circular room with a skylight that evokes
a yurt (as well as a rotund) effect. The further utility zones were then
put in its circumference and the walls. For the minimalist interior, the
architects opted primarily for warm wood. A huge regular beam ceiling
structure was left exposed in the central higher circular room. A low
round table and round stools in the middle bring “an eastern vibe” to
the space. A bedroom and a bathroom are in the northern part. A
smaller sleeping and kitchen space divided by a folding door is hidden
in the southern part, near the exit to the patio. The exterior of the
construction was covered with contrasting black material, traditionally
used in insulation. The whole construction was then dressed in
diamond-shaped wooden lattice, which lends it both a unified
expression and contemporary identity. The authors refer to historical
castles as their points of inspiration. Yes, the main chamber/rotund is
placed centrally and the construction is outwardly protected by the
lattice fortification. But that is where the similarities with the castle
end. The construction is light and unburdened. Breezy and
recreational. And reasonably contemplative.
photo: Peter Jurkovič
photo: Peter Jurkovič