Multi-purpose trade fair facility in Petržalka - Incheba by Vladimír Dedeček
In 1972, an urban planning competition was held for the fairground in Petržalka. The results of this competition could practically not be used for further preparation of the construction of this facility, because the programme was not in line with the investment possibilities and all the winning designs occupied the zone of the water resources of Pecná. Therefore, the opinion of the Ministry of Construction and Technology of the SSR on the results of the competition was negative.
We returned to the concept and programme of the multi-purpose exhibition facility at the end of 1973. On the basis of the request of the MCT SSR, we first prepared a study of a set of buildings as a supplement to the spatial planning documentation of Petržalka. The only usable basis was the study for the 1:500 guideline zoning plan, which was prepared by Stavoprojekt under the direction of architects J. Chovanec and S. Talas, and to which the MCT SSR took a positive opinion. According to it, the multi-purpose exhibition facility was to be built in the area between the SNP bridge and the south-eastern border of the Pecs water resources zone.
Production and operational building Incheba, sector A, basement plan, source: Projekt 4,1981.
Production and operational building Incheba, sector A, groundplan, source: Projekt 4,1981.
The construction of the first and second stages will create a comprehensive complex of exhibition spaces, which will also serve as a congress centre in the area between the motorway and the Danube, the SNP bridge and the river arm. This complex will be complemented by uncovered exhibition areas, an open-air amphitheatre for 25 000 people, areas for PKO facilities, a passenger port and the necessary parking areas.
The third phase, which is expected to be built after 1990, will start in the area of the Pechenski Arm between the Old Vienna Road and the motorway zone up to the state border. It will comprise exhibition pavilions with an area of 32,000 m2, flexibly connected and used in an alternative function as an indoor sports area for all kinds of sports, a stadium, a heliport, an auction business centre with an Interhotel de luxe and a department store.
Production and operational building Incheba, sector A, elevation, source: Projekt 4,1981.