Speed Date / MARTINA HUDEČKOVÁ, ceramicist

Photo: Ľubomír Ontkóc.

Where are you from?
From North Moravia, in our country we would say from Prajzská.

Where did you study?
UJEP University of Jan Evangelista in Ústí nad Labem.
UMPRUM Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.
Both majoring in Ceramics.

Who was your best teacher?
The one who had the most demands on us!

Who were/ are your parents?

What don’t you enjoy in design?
The last step before the completion of the project.

And on the contrary, what do you?
I enjoy the process of bringing ideas to life. And for me, like ceramics, when everything comes out of the kiln.

What do you listen to?
Bizarre pieces across genres.

Your favourite film or cartoon?
Red Dwarf.

Who do you respect as an authority in and out of your field?
I don’t have an absolute label of “authority”, I admire a lot of qualities in a lot of creators someone has a perfect concept but ambiguous speech, someone overcomes with his sincerity, and someone is a native marketer.

What thing did you last buy?
NOOS cap made of lamb’s wool.

Do you buy professional literature? What was the latest book?
Yes, Ceramics Techniques by Pravoslav Rada in English, I already have it in Czech.

Do you vote?

Who throws the best parties?
My son Eduard.

Your favourite dome?
Chiesa di San Geremia, a Venetian magnificence.

Party dress. Made by…?
Brněnská Bioga, and not just for the party.

Your hero from the past?

Best/nicest house?
Mobile, small and big at the same time.

Do you have any stereotypes when you work? How do they show?
Yes I do, I’d call it more of a ritual. Cleaning up the space, preparing my materials, if I’m painting or modeling something I put up the materials, sketches or whatever inspires me on the board.

What’s on your desktop?
Darkness, everything else cancels out, and it looks tidy.

Best exhibition, work of art?
Křehký in Mikulov.

What do you respect both from the local and foreign design scene? And why?
The local scene is already very pressured, I’m looking forward to it easing up a bit and we’ll deal with it in a similar way as abroad.

Ethics or money?
It’s not exactly moral to ask.

Extraordinary book?
Ignoring the books I use daily, the standout book is Hlemýždím tempem. A poetic tale of one snail’s journey.

Optimist, pessimist, nihilist?

Do you have any hobby?

Solo or in a collective?

Slovakia as the Promised Land?
It changed my life.


23 / 2 / 2021
by MAG D A
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